Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers
While you are gone ...
The Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers (SAVs) are a nationally recognized, award-winning organization comprised entirely of volunteer citizens.
Many Green Valley residents spend part of the year away from their Green Valley home. The Green Valley SAV Home Security Check program will check on your residence while you are away.  The Patrol Units perform these checks on a routine basis. This service is provided at no cost.
Get more information by visiting  You can complete the form online and then mail or bring it to the SAV office.  Once enrolled in the program you can update your travel plans with the SAV by calling the front desk, (520) 351-6744, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  For more details CLICK HERE to visit their website.
SAV Office is located at 601 N. La Cañada Drive, Green Valley, AZ 85614
Be Aware of Email-Based Scams!
Email has become the most financially damaging online crime. Using email, scammers will send a legitimate looking request to update something, like a mailing address or payment instructions. Scammers have even hacked into title companies and changed the receiving address for email-generated online wire transfers when buying a home.
To carry out an email scam, fraudsters will often create a fake email account or website that looks authentic. They will send “spearphishing” emails that appear to be from a trusted source, and slip malware onto your computer when you open the phony email.
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself from the scammers:
  • Set-up two-factor authentication. You’ve read it here before, but this is really important. Make it nearly impossible for scammers to log onto your accounts.
  • Watch what you share online. Scammers can use seemingly innocuous information to guess passwords or answers to security questions. Pet names, schools attended, first car owned, etc. can be used against you.
  • Think before you click. Make sure you know who sent you that email that asks for information to update your accounts.
  • Compare the “From” address to the Reply-to address. Make sure the reply-to address isn’t going to a scammer – somewhere you don’t recognize.
The following link is a resource on the top consumer scams in Arizona and is provided to Arizonans by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. Please share this information with others and encourage them to always be aware of potential scammers. As always, if you believe an email, a phone call, or any other solicitation is a scam, please contact the GVSAV promptly.
Your Green Valley Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer's Scam Squad will answer your questions regarding scams or suspected scams. Please call 520-351-6715, Monday – Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. To report an incident of fraud (money lost to a scam), call 911 or 520-351-4900.
Visit our website to check for other alerts. To see what else the Sheriff’s Auxiliary Volunteers do for the community, visit us at SAV now has a Facebook page at  make sure to check out the latest postings.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with our organization, please call 520-351-6746 to speak with our recruiter who will answer your questions and arrange to give you a tour of the facility.
Updated March 16, 2023